Islanders Kids
Learning Day Care Center

Islander’s Kids Learning Day Care Center was established in 2004 and it is a HOME AWAY FROM HOME where your child will learn and grow in confidence. Licensed by NYC Bureau of Day Care, NYC Certified Teachers, Extracurricular activities: music, art, ballet and modern dance. Our fundamental program will ensure your child’s prosperity.

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Staten Island
Community Center (SICC)


The Staten Island Community Center is a non-profit community organization whose function is cultural, educational and social improvement for Staten Island and the greater New York community. SICC offers Summer Camp and Afterschool Program. It is one of kind in its innovative and dynamic programs for children of all ages and backgrounds.

Special REAL ESTATE promotion for SICC members only!

Buy or Sell your home with United National Realty and $750 will be donated towards your kids after school program from the proceeds of the sale

For details or a request to buy or sell your house email

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